Sunday, February 22, 2009

- teR!mA kAs!H sEmUa -

syukur alhamdulillah
setakat nih feena maseh blh berdiry & teruzkn perjalanan feena spt dahulu kala..
typu lah kalo feena kater feena da luperkn semuenye..
tp dgn keyakinan yg tinggi..feena kuatkn gak smagt nih...
untuk jd "SHAFFEENA" yg dahulunye..seorang yang...
- kuat semangat
- friendly
- huru-hare
- suke tolong org
- anti lelaky??
- sentiase berfikiran +
- rajin
- berani
- berkeyakinan tinggi dlm semua aspek
- active??
- always eppy
[ mane pegy??? "SHAFFEENA" tuh??? ]
huhhh come on p-nutz...kte kne cr feena yg dulu..
urmm di kesempatan nih feena nk ucap
kpd family..luvly kazen..sahabat...& kengkawan yg sentiase bg feena semangat..
time feena tengah downn sgt2 mse tuh...
Huhh tanpe korg..feena x taw pew da jd ngan diri feena skrg nih..
feena hargai sgt kata2 cemangat yg korg bgtuh...
feena akan ingat cpy tamat riwayat idop feena...
Feena nk wish 10 q sgt2 kpd :
- nurul liyana bt abdul salim
- mr wan mohd azrol
- izreen fara bt ismail
- sis miera dodot
- sis ieka
- sis anum
- sis biela
- aganie
- abral farhan
- ngoh
- amirul haziq @ panda
- leyjah
- abau
- azizi salleh
- abu khaleel
- shazveen ariff
- shah
- lyana munira
-atter @ azizul
- mia
- pu3
- kalvin chong
- tan zie yen
- chai hoong
- ryda
- aeron
- jeremy
- francis
- suguna
- yup kah moon
- elaiza
- zetty
- priya hana
- jason
- tiranjt singh
- shiha
- yan
- taufiq
- wanie
- intan
- aniesz
- fauziah
- syed
- jasmine
- ammar
- imran
- naim
- bella serabai
[ TERIMA KASIH sgt2 pade semue yg terlibat...sorry kalo dew nme2 yg tertinggal...]
feena x taw cmner nk blz budy korg semua..
feena just boleh doakn kan korg sentiase dilindungi ALLAH S.W.T
n pde mereka yg berbangse asing..
thankz a lot for those who r always support feena 4rom the back..
n i wish may god always bless all of u...
= )
The miracle of friendship speaks from one heart to another,listens for unspoken needs,recognizes secret dreams,and understands the silent things.
= )

1 comment:

  1. fuyoo!!
    im da top man !

    my pleasure honey .
    xyah nk bls pape pn .
    doakn na idup bhgia ngn SI DIA .
    pn da cukup la .

    when u need me .
    i will be right there 4 u .
    my luvly cousin a.k.a monyet itik montel!!

    jz be happy,throw all the sadness away!!

    luv u ..
